Are you a victim of Domestic Violence?

Tann Law Solicitors can assist you if you have been a victim of domestic abuse or violence or if your child has been a victim. We can assist you in obtaining an injunction/protective measures from a court.

The court provides protection to victims of domestic abuse, harassment, stalking, or intimidation who were associated with the criminal. This may involve instances in which:

  • Perpetrator and victim were married, are still married, are currently engaged or have been engaged, and were civil partners.
  • They currently reside or have lived together.
    Additionally, a linked person may be a victim\’s sibling or sister, mother or father, or any extended family members who shared a residence with the victim.

The court may issue a variety of injunctions and/or protective measures, including the following:

  • A Non-Molestation Order to prohibit violence, threats of violence, harassment, and molestation behaviour; An Occupation Order
    A Court can issue a Non-Molestation Direction for a specified period of time or until further order of the court, and the court will automatically attach arrest powers.
  • An Occupation Order will bar someone from entering the former family home or prohibit a connected person from approaching it within a set distance. In rare instances, the court may additionally add arrest powers to an Occupation Order.

Where injunctions are issued, the police have the authority to conduct an arrest if they have reasonable grounds to suspect a violation of any of the aforementioned orders.

Along with orders, the court may enter into Undertakings (promises to the court) to safeguard a victim.

Any anyone caught in violation of a family court\’s non-molestation order will be charged with contempt of court and may face imprisonment. It is a criminal offence when breaching a non-molestation order for which the violator will receive a conviction and, as a result, a criminal record.

If you have been a unfortunate victim of domestic violence, you have several alternatives. These options include reporting the violence to the police, temporarily (or permanently) leaving your house, or remaining in your home and convincing the individual who is causing you harm to leave.

The primary concern should be your safety, and we can provide legal advice on the most appropriate course of action.
Once you are safe, thought should be given to your future plans, including the following:
  • Whether you intend to end your relationship with your partner permanently
  • Whether you wish to take action to keep your violent partner at bay
  • Defending your family\’s right to the family home – whether that means safeguarding your interests after you leave or maintaining them while you remain
  • Ascertaining that proper contact agreements between your children and your former spouse or partner are in place
    If you find yourself facing domestic abuse allegations, you should carefully examine the following:
Should you continue to cohabit?
  • What precautions should be made to safeguard you against such allegations or formal accusations?
  • Protecting your rights to the family home – whether that means safeguarding your interests after you leave or maintaining them while you remain
  • Assuring that you and your children have suitable contact arrangements in place
Our family law solicitors can get you the protection you deserve. Our domestic violence solicitors will handle your case carefully, providing professional advice on all available choices to assist you in making the best choice of course of action. We are discreet and adhere to a strong customer confidentiality policy. This means that we will never share any information you provide us with (or even confirm your status as a client) without your express permission.

We provide realistic and non-judgmental guidance to ensure that appropriate efforts are done to address the issues identified and to minimise the likelihood of future recurrence.

While the end of any relationship can be distressing, when aggravating elements such as these exist, it is critical to seek expert guidance.