Thinking of creating a Health Power of Attorney? It’s important to understand the significance of designating individuals to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to do so.

What is a Health Power of Attorney?

A Health Power of Attorney, also known as a Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), is a legal document that allows you to appoint a trusted individual to make decisions about your healthcare and personal welfare if you become unable to make those decisions yourself.

At Tann Law, we specialise in helping clients across Coventry and the UK create Health LPAs to ensure their healthcare wishes are respected and their best interests are protected.

Why Create a Health Power of Attorney?

Having a Health LPA is an important part of your personal planning, allowing you to have control over the decisions that affect your health and wellbeing even if you lose the capacity to make those choices.

Here are some key reasons to establish a Health Power of Attorney:

  • Decision-Making Control: By creating a Health LPA, you ensure that decisions about your medical care, treatment, and living arrangements are made by someone you trust, in line with your preferences and values.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have designated a trusted person to act on your behalf provides reassurance that your healthcare needs will be managed according to your wishes in the event of incapacity.
  • Avoiding Court Intervention: Without a Health LPA, your loved ones may need to apply to the Court of Protection if you become unable to make decisions, a potentially lengthy and costly process. Having an LPA can prevent this situation and save your family unnecessary stress.

Creating Your Health Power of Attorney

Setting up a Health and Welfare Power of Attorney involves several key steps:

  1. Select Your Attorneys: Choose one or more trusted individuals to act as your attorneys. Make sure you discuss your healthcare preferences and wishes with them so that they understand what is important to you.
  2. Complete the LPA Forms: The LPA forms for health and welfare must be completed and signed by both you and your chosen attorneys. These forms are different from those used for property and financial affairs.
  3. Notify Trusted Parties: Inform your close family or trusted friends about your LPA, as their awareness can help prevent potential misuse or misunderstandings regarding your wishes.
  4. Register with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG): The LPA must be registered with the OPG before it can be used. A registration fee applies.
  5. Seek Legal Guidance: Obtaining legal advice can help ensure that all forms are filled out correctly and that your LPA is legally sound.

Resolving Power of Attorney Disputes

Disputes can sometimes arise regarding Health LPAs, particularly around whether the donor had the mental capacity to establish the LPA or how the attorney is carrying out their duties. 

At Tann Law, we have extensive experience handling disputes related to LPAs. Our solicitors can assist in mediating disagreements or represent you in the Court of Protection, which encourages alternative dispute resolution methods. Our goal is to resolve disputes in a way that minimises stress for all parties and protects the donor’s interests.

What Happens If No Solicitor Is Appointed?

If an LPA is not in place and you lose capacity, the Court of Protection may appoint a deputy to manage your healthcare decisions.

This deputy could be a friend or family member, but in cases of significant disputes or potential conflicts of interest, the court may appoint an independent panel deputy.

Establishing a Health LPA in advance can avoid the need for court intervention and ensure that someone you trust is making decisions on your behalf.

Why Choose Tann Law Solicitors?

At Tann Law, we pride ourselves on providing professional, reliable, and approachable services. 

Our solicitors have in-depth knowledge of Health LPAs and can guide you through every step of the process. We take care to ensure that all documents are completed accurately and in accordance with current legal requirements, giving you peace of mind that your wishes will be respected.

We also have extensive experience in handling disputes related to powers of attorney, helping clients protect their rights and resolve conflicts effectively. Whether you’re planning for the future or dealing with an existing LPA issue, Tann Law is here to support you with tailored solutions that meet your unique needs.

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