UK Work Visa Applications

As accredited attorneys, we offer expert guidance on obtaining and retaining work authorisation, whether sponsoring talent from abroad or transitioning yourself.

The UK Work Visas Process

We understand that the United Kingdom’s dynamic job market attracts talent from around the world. 

Whether you are an employer seeking to hire skilled professionals or an individual looking to work in the UK, our team of immigration experts specialises in UK work visas, providing the guidance and support needed to navigate the complexities of UK immigration law.

Why Choose a UK Work Visa?

The UK offers a wide range of work visa options, each designed to accommodate different employment scenarios and categories of workers. 

Choosing the right UK work visa is essential to ensure a smooth transition to working in the UK. Here are some key benefits of obtaining a UK work visa:

Employment Opportunities: The UK provides a diverse range of job opportunities in various sectors, making it an attractive destination for career growth.

Access to Public Services: Work visa holders can access the UK’s world-class healthcare and education systems, ensuring a high quality of life.

Path to Settlement: Many work visa categories provide a pathway to indefinite leave to remain (ILR), allowing individuals to establish permanent residence in the UK.

Popular UK Work Visa Routes

The two most common paths according to the Immigration Rules Appendix Skilled Worker involve either:

Skilled Worker Visas – For jobs on the shortage occupation list where domestic recruitment failed, requiring sponsorship.

Global Business Mobility Visas – For multinational employees transferring to UK operations for temporary assignments.

Additional work categories include:

  • Health and care roles
  • Temporary seasonal gigs
  • Religious work
  • Innovator or graduate founder based
  • Dependent on nationality
  • And shortage industry targeted schemes

Visa Compliance Complications

Besides getting the initial approvals, sponsors have to fulfil numerous duties related to compliance, while visa holders navigate through all the restrictions and renewals.

Fortunately, our advisors prevent noncompliance risks through holistic support crafted over years assisting clients. Consider us your work visa partners.

Our Expertise in Work Visas

Tann law Solicitors can assist you with any type of points based system visa such as Innovator visas, Start up Visas and global talent visas

Tann Law Solicitors offers comprehensive support for a variety of UK work visa categories, including:

Tier 2 (General) Visa: For skilled workers offered a job in the UK by a licensed employer.

Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) Visa: For employees of multinational companies being transferred to a UK branch or subsidiary.

Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) Visa: For individuals participating in temporary work or cultural exchange programs.

Black man standing in airport, smile and phone with online flight schedule or visa application for

Why Choose Tann Law for UK Work Visa Services?

Our team has extensive knowledge of UK immigration law and work visa requirements. 

We provide thorough assistance with visa applications, ensuring accurate preparation of all documents in compliance with UKVI standards. Tailored guidance is offered to meet the unique needs of each work visa application. 

Additionally, we provide employer support by offering guidance on the Sponsorship License process and ensuring compliance with UKVI requirements.

If you are considering working in the UK or require assistance with UK work visa applications for your employees, we invite you to book a consultation with our experienced immigration experts. 

Let us help you navigate the complexities of UK immigration law and embark on your journey to work and succeed in the United Kingdom.

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