Employment Tribunal

If you are facing issues like discrimination, dismissal, or wage violations at work, our employment law team provides experienced legal guidance.

What you Need to Know

The employment tribunal is an independent legal body that resolves disputes over employment issues like discrimination, dismissal, wages, and more.

Our team has made it their mission to provide the highest quality legal advice and representation, so that the best resolution for you can be achieved.

Understanding Your Situation

We work to understand a variety of situations and disputes that are taken to the Employment Tribunal. We have successfully represented clients facing:

  • Whistleblowing
  • Wrongful Dismissal (a dismissal in breach of contract)
  • Unfair Dismissal (including Constructive Unfair Dismissal)
  • National Minimum Wage
  • Transfer of Undertakings (TUPE)
  • Equal Pay
  • Redundancy (including preparation of and advice on Settlement Agreements)
  • Discrimination (including discrimination on the basis of Sex, Disability, Race, Age, Religious Belief and Sexual Orientation)
  • Sexual Harassment and Victimisation
  • Maternity and Paternity Leave and Pay
  • Unlawful Deductions from Employee Wages (inc furlough related claims)
  • Less Favourable Treatment of Fixed Term Employees and Part-Time

And more as outlined in the Employment Rights Act 1996.

When to Consider the Employment Tribunal

You may need to consider the Employment Tribunal if:

  • You believe you have been unfairly dismissed from your job.
  • You have faced discrimination or harassment in the workplace based on characteristics such as age, race, religion, gender, disability, or sexual orientation.
  • Your employer has failed to pay you the correct wages or has made unlawful deductions from your pay.
  • You are facing issues related to redundancy or a breach of contract.
  • You have been subjected to unfair treatment at work, such as being denied promotions or facing unfavourable working conditions.
  • You need to challenge other employment-related issues that remain unresolved through alternative dispute resolution methods.

The Legal Process

The process of bringing a case to the Employment Tribunal typically involves the following steps:

Early Conciliation: Before lodging a claim with the Employment Tribunal, individuals are encouraged to consider ACAS’s early conciliation service, which aims to resolve disputes without the need for a formal hearing.

Submitting a Claim: To begin the process, the claimant (the person bringing the case) must submit a claim form to the Employment Tribunal. This form outlines the details of the dispute, including the grounds for the claim and the desired outcome.

Response: The respondent (usually the employer) is given an opportunity to respond to the claim, either admitting or denying the allegations.

Preliminary Hearing: If necessary, a preliminary hearing may be held to clarify legal issues, determine the scope of the claim, and set the timetable for the case.

Full Hearing: In cases that cannot be resolved through conciliation or preliminary hearings, a full hearing is scheduled. During this hearing, both parties present their evidence and witnesses, and a judge or panel of judges makes a decision.

Judgement: The Employment Tribunal issues a judgement outlining its decision, which may include remedies such as compensation or reinstatement.

You can also make a claim to an employment tribunal, here.

Lawyers give advice about judgment, agreements, justice Customer

Why Choose Tann Law?

When it comes to navigating the complexities of the Employment Tribunal process, Tann Law Solicitors is your trusted partner. 

We understand employment tribunals can be legally and emotionally daunting. As your trusted partner, our experienced solicitors provide:

Expert Guidance: We possess in-depth knowledge to meticulously review and prepare claims to give you the best chance of success.

Comprehensive Support: We assist with gathering convincing evidence and statements to build a strong case.

Effective Representation: Our team passionately advocates for your best interests during negotiations and tribunal hearings.

Compliance Expertise: We ensure adherence to all procedural deadlines and requirements.

Favourable Outcomes: Through settlements or tribunal decisions, our primary focus is getting you the best resolution.

Trusted Partners: We offer dedicated legal support of the highest quality because we know representation matters.

Let our employment tribunal expertise protect your workplace rights and interests.

Before submitting an employment tribunal claim, parties must first attempt early conciliation through ACAS. This aims to reach voluntary agreements out of court.

If unresolved, the claimant can then bring a claim using Form ET1, providing:

  • ACAS certificate number
  • Party names/addresses
  • Details of the dispute

Failure to follow proper protocols risks claim rejection.

To respond, the employer must:

  • Use Form ET3
  • Meet all name/address requirements
  • State if any claim aspects are challenged
  • Abide by submission deadlines


Inadequate responses can also face rejection, requiring legal extensions. Ignoring claims risks automatic employee wins.

Hearings resemble court trials with slightly less formality, featuring:

  • Judge plus employer/employee panel members
  • Claimant and respondent evidence/testimonies
  • Witness cross-examinations
  • Closing arguments
  • Judgements (with time for decisions if needed)

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