Humanitarian protection in the United Kingdom | Asylum Seekers

Humanitarian protection in the United Kingdom entails the government’s commitment to safeguarding and preserving the dignity of millions of people seeking asylum in the country.

Asylum Seekers in the United Kingdom is a humanitarian action that entails protecting individuals fleeing their home country.

Fear of persecution, torture or even death for creating a particular social group, political stance, religion, race, or nationality should be the motivation for leaving one’s country.

Individuals seeking asylum are granted the right to reside in a country. Additionally, it tries to safeguard refugees from forcible removal by the persecuting state through deportation or extradition.

You may be unsure of how to handle some details, which is why you may require the assistance of an expert.

At Tann Law Solicitors, we provide the services of specialist asylum solicitors who assure the success of your asylum claim.

To determine your eligibility and receive a complimentary “No-obligation Assessment,” please get in touch with us.

How to Apply for Humanitarian Protection in the United Kingdom?

If you wish to apply for humanitarian protection in the United Kingdom, you should begin your application at the point of entry, where you must advise the border authorities that you are seeking humanitarian protection and are fearful of returning to your home country. 

During a screening interview, numerous questions will be asked regarding asylum claims that should take place on the same day or within five days of the claim.

If an individual wishes to claim asylum after entering the UK, they must contact the home office to schedule a ‘Screening Interview,’ which should take place between five and fifteen days following the telephone conversation.

Explanation of the Asylum Procedure

To seek asylum, one must have a screening interview at the Home Office’s screening section. You will be expected to justify your Asylum claim. 

A second asylum interview is conducted if the interviewers believe the claimant is not telling the truth. This is referred to as an interview under caution, as everything the applicant says during the interview may be used against them. 

After the interview is completed, the individual is given a copy of the screening record that outlines the interview. The Home Office may issue an Application Registration Card that will serve as their primary identification document until their humanitarian protection in the United Kingdom expires. 

After some time, the applicant will receive a letter inviting them to participate in a meaningful and lengthy interview. It aims to ascertain an individual’s whereabouts, when, why, and with whom. 

Additionally, questions about the documents filed before are asked to determine whether there is any discrepancy between the information provided by the individual and the documents submitted. If the interviewer detects any discrepancies, the applicant must explain. 

If the applicant does not meet the interviewer’s requirements, the claim is returned. Interpreters and legal representatives may be required to be present during this interview to assist the applicant. 

The applicant and his other legal representation must review the interviewer’s record after the substantive interview. They must determine whether any amendments are necessary to correct a mistake or add information to the record to support the applicant’s case. 

The application for the amnesty for asylum seekers in the United Kingdom in 2021 is also required to submit any additional documentation that they did not submit previously and that can be used to credit his claims. 

If the applicant’s claim is successful, you will now be able to remain in the UK for five years under humanitarian protection.

What to Do if You Are Refused

If the application is denied, the applicant may take the following steps:


One may appeal to the First-tier Tribunal by completing the form IAFT-5, which is typically included with the refusal letter from the home office.

The applicant may appeal on the grounds that expelling the appellant from the UK would violate the UK’s refugee convention obligations.”

If one’s appeal to the First-tier Tribunal is denied, one may appeal to the Upper Tribunal. In this situation, any appeal to the Upper Tribunal requires authorisation to proceed and should be based on what we refer to as “legal error.”

There are four levels of appeal: the first-tier Tribunal, the Upper Tribunal, the Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Court. Our seasoned immigration lawyers are capable of assisting you throughout the appeals procedure.

A new assertion: new asylum claims

A new claim is distinct from previously considered materials, so the new content was not covered previously.

Compared to the prior one, the content established a plausible possibility of success in overcoming rejection.

A new asylum claim is lodged when a humanitarian protection application in the United Kingdom is denied, and all appeal rights have been exhausted.

The home office must determine whether the new submission constitutes a new claim, which, if accepted, will result in the applicant being granted humanitarian protection in the United Kingdom.

On the other hand, you may appeal if your new claim is denied. Don’t hesitate to contact our immigration solicitors for additional guidance.