Advice about your Will during Covid-19 – how to make or amend a Will?

Do you have questions about wills, probate, taxes, trusts or estates through this period of uncertainty? If so, our experienced team of wills and probate solicitors are here to assist you. it’s important to review your will at least every 5 years and immediately after any life changes.

  • Having a separation or divorce?
  • Are you getting married? (this cancels any will you made before)
  • Having a child?
  • Are you moving house?
  • Executor named in the will died?

The only way that you may alter a will is by creating a formal alteration referred to as a codicil.
You have to sign a codicil and get it witnessed in precisely the exact same manner as witnessing a will.

Can I make a will on short notice?

Yes, it’s possible that wills can be prepared for you within short notice. Your directions and wishes will be discussed along with a draft would be prepared by your solicitor.

Once reviewed and accepted by you, a final version of the will would be sent to you to sign at home.

Making a Will Checklist

  1. Do you have special requirements for your Funeral?
  2. Who do you wish to leave an Inheritance to?
  3. Do you need to exclude someone from your Will?
  4. Do you need to be concerned about Inheritance Tax?
  5. Who would you want to look after your Children?
  6. Can you have Property Or Wealth in more than 1 Country?
  7. Are there any particular possessions you want someone to Inherit?
  8. Have you thought about your Business interests?
  9. Who should you make a Power Of Attorney?
  10. Where should you Store Your Will?

Do I need a face-to-face meeting with a solicitor to make a will?

A face to face meeting isn’t crucial. Our specialist solicitors and caseworkers at Tann Law Solicitors routinely work with clients over the phone, online communication tools (e.g. skype, zoom etc.) or by email. Your directions will be taken, and your questions answered.

During isolation and with social distancing in place, how can I get my will witnessed and signed?

The UK Government will legalise the remote witnessing of wills up to January 2022 starting from this September.

Tann Law Solicitors Ltd are Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. 

Will writing services in England & Wales.