Civil Partnership Solicitors

If you want to form a civil partnership or dissolve an existing one, our solicitors here at Tann Law can assist you. We have extensive experience with situations involving complex financial or child law complications, including pre-partnership agreements and surrogacy.

The law concerning civil partnerships is relatively new, and as such, it is subject to change with each recent court ruling. In 2019, heterosexual couples gained access to civil partnerships.

Those in a civil partnership enjoy the same rights as married couples, while those dissolving a civil partnership have the same rights as those couples getting divorced.

In England and Wales, same-sex couples can now legally marry, but they also have the option of forming a civil partnership, which provides similar legal and financial benefits. In December 2019, the government passed new legislation allowing same-sex couples to join civil partnerships.

You might consider civil partnership as a kind of protection if, for instance, you are purchasing a home together or having children.

A civil partnership can provide legal and financial protection and assure the care of any children you have together in the case of separation or dissolution of your civil relationship.

Tann Law’s Civil Partnership Solicitors are ready to assist

Whether you need guidance about children, financial provision, property, tax benefits, pensions and inheritance, or forming or dissolving* a civil partnership, our team of experienced family solicitors has the most up-to-date knowledge to assist you.

*Before filing a petition for dissolution with the court, you must have been in a civil partnership for one year.

Civil partnerships offer both couples financial security without the traditional characteristics of marriage. Our family solicitors can assist you if you need assistance registering a civil partnership. 

Alternately, choose to dissolve your civil partnership due to a failed relationship. Our staff at Tann Law Solicitors can help you through the necessary steps and get the best possible conclusion.

Which services do we provide?

Our civil partnership solicitors can assist you with a variety of family law matters, such as:

  • Family formation – surrogacy or adoption.
  • Dissolution of a civil relationship
  • If you feel your former partner has hidden money, you can “put aside” past financial arrangements.
  • Pre-partnership agreements (prenuptial agreements).
  • The process of negotiating a financial settlement following the dissolution of a partnership.
  • The negotiation of parental visitation and child support payments.

Civil Partnership Dissolution

The grounds for dissolving a civil partnership are identical to those for obtaining a divorce: the irretrievable breakdown of the partnership must be demonstrated. To demonstrate that, you must utilise one of the following arguments:

  • Unreasonable conduct
  • Desertion
  • Two years of separation (if both of you agree)
  • Five years of separation (even if no agreement exists).

Free 30-Minute Mediation Support Service Consultation

A conflict can be resolved in a less contentious and more cost-effective manner through family mediation. We offer a complimentary 30-minute consultation with one of our solicitors to review your case and determine if mediation is appropriate. 

Our cost-effective mediation support service is available if you decide to proceed with mediation. This service will provide you with the guidance, assistance, and resources needed to get the best possible outcome, especially if you represent yourself. Don’t hesitate to contact us for advice regarding your civil partnership legal issue.