Family Law Solicitors in Coventry

Family Law Solicitors in Coventry: For the majority of people, the family is the focal point of their lives. As a result, when conflicts arise or circumstances change, it is natural for a great deal of emotion to surface.

If this is something you’re going through, you’re going to have many questions; you’re going to be uncertain about a lot of things and will need reassuring; and, most importantly, you’re going to want to know how to proceed in the best possible way so that you and anyone dependent on you feel secure and cared for.

Family law is a broad term that encompasses all aspects of family life, from cohabitation agreements and pre-nuptial agreements to divorce, civil partnership dissolution, and money and child custody disputes.

Typically, family law solicitors will specialise in one or more of these areas and be able to provide in-depth knowledge and expert advice specific to your situation.

Expertise in all aspects of family law

At Tann Law, our Coventry and Birmingham based family law solicitors provide specialised expertise in a broad range of family law areas, which you will learn about as you read on. This expertise is delivered by experienced solicitors whom all share the common goal of securing a favourable outcome for the clients they represent and their families.

To the extent possible, we strive for a harmonious outcome through a non-confrontational approach, utilising collaborative law and mediation methods and attempting to avoid court proceedings whenever possible. This is a far superior route for families, as it avoids lengthy and potentially costly processes and contributes to achieving an amicable and equitable agreement.

If you require legal advice on any aspect of family law or wish to speak with us about something family-related that’s been bothering you, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact us. We offer a free 30-minute consultation.

Our Legal Services for Families

Family law encompasses a variety of facets. Whether you’re just starting in a relationship and want to ensure a secure future or your partnership has ended, and you need guidance to protect your interests and those of any children involved, the experienced family law specialists at Tann Law Solicitors can help.


If your relationship has ended and you seek closure to move on, the only way to legally end your marriage is through a divorce. Many people believe that divorce entails going to court, but this is highly improbable.

At Tann Law Solicitors, our family law solicitors follow the ‘Resolution Family Law Group protocol, meaning they make every effort to reduce the emotional anguish associated with divorce for all family members. Additionally, our family lawyers support mediation and collaborative law processes to minimise conflict and maintain non-confrontational discussions.

Please visit our dedicated divorce page to learn how our divorce solicitors can assist you and to find answers to many of the most frequently asked questions about divorce.

Finances and Divorce

Uncertainty is one of the most distressing aspects of divorce or the dissolution of a civil partnership, mainly when finances are involved.

Disputes frequently arise when financial assets are divided, which is why our divorce specialists at Tann Law make every effort to keep things simple, aiming to help you reach a fair agreement with the minimal amount of fuss possible so that you can get back on the right track.

You shall be presented with practical and strategic solutions that will provide you with the stability you require, especially if you have children. Additionally, you will benefit from the guidance of our expert financial negotiators, who are trained in all facets of Alternative Dispute Resolution, including mediation.

On our dedicated divorce and finance page, you can learn more about how our divorce finance solicitors can assist you, as well as find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on the subject.


Naturally, if you are experiencing family difficulties, the welfare of your children will take precedence. Relationship breakdowns can be extremely difficult for children, and the choices made will be some of the most consequential of your life. At Tann Law, we have child law specialists on hand to assist you in making those decisions.

Their priority, regardless of the circumstances, is to ensure the best possible outcome for the children. Whether you require advice on visitation rights, financial arrangements, or parental influence over significant life decisions for the child, our child law solicitors will guide you in the most peaceful manner possible.

Family Law Collaborative

When the decision to end a civil partnership or marriage is made, financial concerns frequently take precedence. One of the concerns of divorcing couples is how they will afford the associated fees.

The good news is that the traditional approach to divorce is not the only option; alternative approaches, such as collaborative law, are available. This is becoming a more popular method of resolving critical issues in a calm and collected manner.

Collaborative family law is especially beneficial for couples with children who wish to resolve their differences amicably. Not only does this save time, it also saves money because no court appearances are required.

Domestic Abuse

At Tan Law Solicitors, we can provide you with the assurance that your case will be handled by specialist solicitors with extensive training and experience in domestic violence. Our attorneys have assisted numerous victims in obtaining protection from future harm and pursuing redress against those who have harmed them.

Where an immediate threat exists, we will act swiftly to obtain a non-molestation order to protect you legally. Whatever the circumstances, we strongly encourage you to report the incident. Our solicitors are prepared to assist you regardless of whether the abuse is mental or physical, whether you are female, male, gay or straight.

People frequently have various questions about domestic violence and abuse, and many of the most commonly asked are answered on our dedicated domestic violence page, which also includes information about how our solicitors can assist you.

Divorce Abroad

Because divorce laws vary by country, it is frequently confusing for couples who live abroad or in different parts of the globe when they agreed to divorce. If there are choices of which country to initiate proceedings in, it’s critical to seek advice immediately. The law in one country may be more favourable to you than the law in another, depending on your specific circumstances.

The division of financial assets varies significantly between countries, even within the United Kingdom, as are decisions regarding children. Our specialists at Tann Law Solicitors have extensive experience guiding individuals through an international divorce and take a tactical approach to safeguard your interests.

There are numerous factors to consider when contemplating an international divorce, and you can find additional details on the subjects on our dedicated international divorce page and information on how our experts can assist you throughout the process.


Couples living together, regardless of how long they have been together or have children, do not have the same rights as married couples or civil partners. If you consider cohabiting with another person, our specialist family law solicitors can provide you with tailored advice on your rights and obligations. Also, we will offer you guidance on protecting your interests, such as through the establishment of a cohabitation agreement.

There is additional information about cohabitation on our dedicated page and information about how we can assist you as a non-married partner.

Financial Concerns

One of the most contentious issues in the aftermath of a relationship breakdown, divorce, or dissolution of a civil partnership is how assets and property will be divided. It is critical to seek expert advice as soon as possible to safeguard your interests and those of your family.

At Tann law, each team member is an expert in the financial implications of relationship breakdowns and has extensive experience achieving beneficial outcomes through practical solutions.

Visit our dedicated divorce and finance page to learn more about financial claims and settlements during the divorce. Additionally, we’ve included additional information about how our family law solicitors can assist you in this area.


If you are divorcing your partner, spouse, or civil partner, the best way to resolve the issues at hand is outside of court. Couples discuss their issues in mediation with the assistance of a trained mediator who ensures the discussion is free of tension.

Mediation is an effective method of resolving problems that arise during a divorce. It keeps the peace between the parties and works toward an amicable resolution and it saves much time and money by avoiding litigation.

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